Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Children do not come to class empty handed

Children in primary school do not come to class empty handed. They have something in them and they learn from what they have.
Firstly, it is the children's creative use of limited language resources. In terms of the grammatical forms, children experiment with prefixes to express feelings. For example, the chilren would say 'Don't unring the phone' which means 'Don't hang up'. Children simly add the prefix 'un' to form a word. In term of concept, children generalised the concepts. For instance, children would say 'switch off the darkness' rather than saying ' switch on the light'. In order to encourage the pupils to create reative language use, teacher can have riddles in classroom.
Sedondly, it is the children's instinct for fun and play. Children have anm enormous capacity for finding and making fun. they bring a spark of individuality and of drama to much that they do. Fun and play is important as it promotes creativity abd imagination, lower affective filter, promotes subconcious learning and tackles the issues of short attention span. Teachers hsould keep a sense of playfulness and fun. In addition, teachers should avoid drilling and rote memorisation.
Thirdly, the instict for interaction and talk. Instincts and attributes of the children are important for the language teacher. The nature of children is they like to talk. their language are developing together with their age. On top of that, the teacher can benefit from this situation by giving them topics to be discussed and facilitated their discussion so that they will be in the right channel. Besides, the topic should be familiar ro the children since they already have prior knowledge about the topic such as real life events.
Fourthly, children's capacity for indirect learning. There are 2 types of learning which are concious direct learning and subconcious indirect learning. Concious direct learning focuses more on language and semantics. Subconcious indirect learning focuses on flunecy and spoken.
Lastly, the role of imagination. According to Piagetm they are in the concrete operational stage, in which they develop visualisation through concrete images and objects. Children are able to acquire langiuage easily through seeing anf exploring as well as imagining.

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